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Saturday, 22 February 2014

No Honour In Death

This lady shall not be forgotten.  This lady shall leave a legacy.  This lady suffered, she suffers no more.  This lady deserved better.

This lady is Charlotte Dawson.  No not WAS Charlotte Dawson, as some social commentators will espouse, bit IS.  Everyone is aware she suffered at the hands of poisonous pens from some ":social commentators" and had some very public battles with the media.  But that's the bad stuff (and it affected her, battle with depression well publicised) what about the good stuff?  Well I never really had a deep following of her careers but all I ever did see of her was a happy, buoyant, prosperous and caring, loving astute individual.  She was not the sort of person I felt deserved the scrutiny she got.

Yes the image I chose wasn't one of her in her radiant best.  This image suggest serious undertones and a reflection of the agony she was going through.  It's a fair bet some recent comments she had made (Lorde,etc) were made under pressure of her illness but lets be fair, nothing that needed the character assassination she got from some media writers here.  In fact, one article from Paul Thomas in that granddaddy of New Zealand papers The New Zealand Herald , resorted to basic gutwrenching gutter journalism.

So what about that assassination of ones character.  I have written previously on bullying, mainly in schoolchildren that leads to teenage suicides.  Until recently I focused on stopping the bullying but really had no way of really stopping it, until now.  Currently all deaths in this country are treated as homicides until the police decide through their investigations which category the death is covered by and whether charges are laid.  Currently charges are laid for medical misadventure, manslaughter, murder, accidental death but not suicide.

It's fair to say this is sound reasoning, but is it?  How many suicides occur through bullying, character assassination, or peer pressure?  How many people are implicit in someone taking their own life?  My thoughts are that suicide be investigated as  homicide, and a serious investigation be conducted to find out who is culpable as a reason for that suicide.  It means that families, friends and close associates, possibly even workmates are interviewed and the root cause of the suicide is arrived at.  Then charges should be laid.

This should also act as a deterrent.  Those that always seek out the weak and exploit them emotionally and physically should not be left to get away with their actions.  There is intent in their actions.  If they drive a person to suicide, they should be held accountable in a court of law.  Manslaughter doesn't allow for this charge to stand under current format, but Murder does.  And to be fair, IF Paul Thomas was found to be directly responsible for Charlotte taking her life, he should face a murder charge.  Use this opportunity to test the waters, and also to galvanise society.

Maybe if folks knew they could face a Murder Charge for Bullying, then they'd think twice about being so venomous.

Charlotte.  I am sorry you couldn't face life, and I hope you are in a better place.  But let your passing be a torch light for others.  Stand tall, folks.

Editted to add this latest bit of wisdom from The Granny Herald.  Their desperation knows no bounds.

Added 27th February.  Not only are The NZ Herald dodging bullets they are continuing to push their "I'm Sorry we Fucked Up Barrow" by covering the two previous posts in this thread through bringing out another masterclass on reporting on suicide and attitudes.  I applaud them for trying to bring public awareness but regrettably the horse has bolted for them and there is just nothing they can say to put matters right, UNLESS they actually get experts in the field to report, not some journo with no nous on the subject.

Sure this article goes someway towards reporting on the subject, but realistically it's a Feel Good piece, not a nuts and bolts piece.  Verdict - Fail.

1 comment:

  1. How people can be so cruel to others defies the imagination. To deliberately set about to continually slag another person to the brink of suicide, is indeed a crime against humanity.
    I hope all those who pointed their poisonous pens and mouths in Charlotte's direction, get to feel the wrath of Karma.
    Rest in peace dear lady, lots of us loved you for who you were.
