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Thursday 21 April 2011

Mentally Ill, on a Benefit and wholly Self Obsessed

For many years I have been a follower and sometimes caller to talkback radio.  In that time most of the hosts have been intelligent and diverse people.  The standard format is appealing and allows for robust conversation and adroit comments from both the host and the callers.

In recent times I haven't been an ardent follower, except maybe the occasional call to Radio Sports.  My interest in the goings on in this country have been limited to internet following of papers, TV and some radio podcasts.  But last Friday due to a national furore that just happened to affect a friend of mine (also self obsessed, mentally ill, and on a benefit) I had reason to listen in to Radio Live between 9am and 12pm.  What I heard chilled me to the bone.  A radio Jock behaving in a self served, condescending, patronising manner and doing so with relative impunity.

Now I know all radio stations are engaged in a ratings battle so how this Jock meets the stations desires is beyond me.  And it's not the first time he has been contentious.  All one has to do is Google his name and the page fairly floods with earlier indiscretions.  In short, the Jock is a very loose cannon and one that needs to be reigned in fairly quickly. Alas though, this Jock is a survivor.

I find it amusing though that he is digging himself into a deeper hole.  Taking on minorities is his forte, especially in a disparaging way.  The Paralympians suffered his wrath, an aspergers man in Earthquake Christchurch, and last Friday, bloggers were the intended target, but a part of his tirade also brought the Mentally Ill and Beneficiaries into question, once again in  a disparaging and condescending manner.

I am aware over the past few days now how dangerous this man is.  Or is he?  It appears his audience is restricted to 25.6 listeners (5 ex New Zealand First politicians, 20 KKK members in Ashburton and 0.6 people in Whanganui - a deaf midget who loves being noticed)  So how dangerous is this Radio Jock?

Well if you ask Radio Live, not very.  If you ask his producer (a man that will defend him to the ends of the earth naively) not very.  If you ask the BSA, they're still waiting for a complaint to uphold.  If you think all these organisations and people are remiss, vote with your (blogging) keyboard and vote the man off the Islands (he'll find a niche market in Aussie for his style - or will he?)


  1. Last Friday wasn't the first time ML has had a go at bloggers Thane. Yet he has a blog on the Radio Live website so I don't quite know WTF planet he lives on really.

    Then lets not forget this from last year:


    Or this:

    But I do love these:


    And this is my fav: http://www.stuff.co.nz/southland-times/columns/4786538/Secret-diary-of-Michael-Laws

  2. I should have added. This man is making a mockery of the good work all other Talkback hosts do in their shows. I suppose be a sanctimonious prick gets a pay packet.
