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Sunday 26 May 2019

Personal Identification Card

Currently the Government has several numbers for Identification within their departments of individual clients.  The Bureaucracy involved is outstanding and downright confusing.

So let's streamline the process.

A Personal Identification card will have one number that goes across all government departments, IRD, WINZ, ACC, CYFS, GSF, Tertiary and Pensioner Services..

1.  When you are born and your parents submit the Birth Certificate with Internal Affairs, the Government issues the Baby with a serial numbered identification card.  From Birth to age 15 the card allows parents free medical and dental care for their children.

2.  Age 15 to 18 Teenagers have access to IRD amongst others. They are also able to directly apply for Student services or benefits with the same number. It also allows these folks to access medical and dental services with 50% discount. If children have jobs from 10 - 15 years old they earn Tax Free.

3.  The same card identifies prospective voter status.

4. The Personal Identity Card also replaces the over 65 Gold Card.

Nanny State??  Not if it actually improves on the current botch up.

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