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Sunday 26 May 2019

Birkenhead Marina Proposal - 2019

2019 Proposal for a New Marina on Waitemata Harbour

Birkenhead Wharf Marina.


To manufacture a new 22 berth Marina that will have berths – 6 x Multihulls, 7 x 24m Motor Launches (ex Navy) and 9 medium to large vessels.  The proposal has the marina being attached to the current Birkenhead Wharf and out to the West. (see attached diagram)

I read a Ports of Auckland document on new Marina proposals and they highlight the need for larger vessels and multihull berths lack of suitable requirements in the Auckland area (especially deep draught.  I suggest this proposal will fill that quota to some extent.

I know this aim is for a smaller marina than may be desired but I like to think a smaller footprint will suit the target customer and the Ports Authority.

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