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Monday 27 May 2019

May 27th 1975.

27th May 1975 (Today 44 years past)

At 830pm (last time I would use that time format) on 27th May 1975, I boarded the Northerner Express bound for a new adventure – The Navy.  I farewelled my family, very wet behind the ears and soon to learn what a Fucken OD was.

The train trip was as usual long cold and tiring. Had no idea there were other soon-to-be matelots with me until disembarkation and a Killick taking names.  We all loaded into an RL Bedford and were taken “home” (about 20 OD’s. on the train out of 72 total recruits.)

When did it really kick home I was in the Navy?  Haircut then dotted line (the next day).  Never once regretted.

Left to Right Back Row - Neil Worthington (ME),  Steve Renwick (Chef), Nick Peachey (Writer and skate),  Mike Wylie (I think ME??), Jack Tarr (ME).

Left to Right Middle Row: - ??? Eide (Chef), Buck Rogers (Radio Fitter), Mitchell Tuuta (ME), Toad Parkinson (Writer I think), Yours Truly (Seaman and all ears) Buck Taylor (Seaman),  Russell Tutauha (Writer).

Left to Right Front Row: - Joe Watt (not sure of trade), Pete Whiteley (WE),  POS Ernie Gray (great man), ???? Dingwall  (ME) Craig Warner (Radio Fitter)

Of the 15 in this class 50% did 20+ years.  Last I heard Craig Warner is either still serving or recently retired.

Kia kaha and shout outs to any who have Crossed the Bar. ( if you know of any that have CTB, please let me know.)

Nga nihi


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