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Saturday, 3 March 2018

L.L.L.L. Drog mantra.

"I must say this daily and act on it always."

I understand L.L.L.L. to be the symbol or sign for four things.which I must  never neglect; and these things are -  Lead; Log; Latitude and Lookout.

Therefore, I say use the Lead and Log and mind the Lookout and Latitude and I believe in the Lead, as it warns me against dangers the things the eye doesn't see.

I believe in the Log as it checks my distance run.

I believe in ascertaining the Latitude as it helps to define my position

I believe in the Lookout as it warns me to dangers to be Seen.

The Lead warns me of dangers invisible, the Log me against false distances, the Latitude helps me define my position, and the Lookout warns me against dangers visible.

And I earnestly resolve, and openly declare that as I hope to sail this ship in safety upon the Oceans,  as I wish to spare lives as my fellow - creatures at sea, and I wish to go in safety all my days. so I will steadfastly practice  that which I believe.

And hereby warn seamen and tell them that if they  neglect any one of these four things, either the Lead, the Log, Latitude and Lookout, they or their fellows will one day surely perish.

(Extract from The Observations of Rule of the Road at Sea by Thomas Gray printed in 1878 - some may remember)

Reproduced from Moabone Issue 11 Summer 1988 -- 1989

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