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Monday 30 June 2014

The Stigma Party launch due soon

Over the past few months (well since the launch of the Internet Party) me and a few friends have been mooting the possibility of entering politics as The Stigma Party.  Based primarily on Mental Illness sufferers and the stigma they encounter, but open to all walks of life that suffer some stigma, it is aimed at not only reducing stigma but also giving a voice to all folks that suffer such occurrences.

Like the Internet Party, we intend to catch a market share of the vote.  Unlike the Internet Party, The Stigma Party will be targeting voters from as young as 18 to as old as whatever age you can still vote, thereby having a larger demographic to draw willing voters from.  Unlike the Internet Party however we will not be backed by dodgy money and a possible felon (that's what they call them in the USA).  Funding will be limited to what you can afford, and most of the work will be done with that old kiwi attitude, The Can Do Way, i.e. voluntary.

We have yet to think about a leader, or other candidates, but as with all things related to Mental Illness (and other stigmatisms) things will just "happen".  At this stage a manifesto is yet to be established and agreed upon going forward but some of these might fit the bill:

1.  All citizens should be allowed to vote with absolute anonymity.  That means crazy people have the right to make valid decisions on who should run the country without fear of being ostracised.  It also stands to reason people without arms should be able to tick the ballot papers without being judged.

2.  Special prisons will be built to house those charged with Grand Stigmatic Behaviour where they can pick on themselves without harming nice average Kiwis.

3.  Coalitions will be built with parties that see a fair and just society and who will be party to legislation that looks after the rights of Kiwis denied those rights through no fault of their own.  This also means improving hospitals and medical providers that deal with people that face stigma on a regular basis.  There will not be any room for those providers to tell a depressed solo mother of three to go home and look after her children as she is not that unwell and she is better off being at home without support. There will also be a law stating just and fair treatment for all who suffer stigma and anyone caught not providing adequate care will be sent to the same prisons as those with Grand Stigmatic Behaviour.

4.  We will campaign on fairness for all.  Yes we hold no animosity towards our tormentors and we don't wish our tormentors to suffer too.  Sure they will go to prison if proven guilty but we will drown them in kindness.  In fact we will also put forward legislation to ensure the reporting of all cases in the media is covered fairly and without causing any reader/watcher/listener to form opinions that could be injurious to anyone in society.  We do not condone a PC approach, more a fair and just approach.

5.  People will be richly rewarded for dobbing in any cases of unfairness.  The reward is being congratulated for their effort and given a bunch of roses and chocolates, provided by the Government through the new Polite Police division of the Police Force.  Citizens of this country shall feel very honoured we have this initiative.  It's also envisaged The Polite Police will also contain within their ranks The Credit Police and both factions will spend all their time rewarding all people that make a difference in everyone's lives through kindness, positive affirmations and happiness.  We as a party feel it necessary to stop punishing folks and instead offer tacit rewards through good things.  A happier society going forward is a good society.

6.  We don't envisage ourselves changing the world in a day.  In fact this country shall slowly but steadily become stigma free, happy and caring.  Anyone that challenges our credos do so with the realisation they are enacting stigma and will be met with a smile, a warm handshake or hug, and offered a better way to perform.

That's not everything of course.  We at the moment remain anonymous and leaderless.  We don't have a caucus, we have an untested manifesto, and we have no members yet.  In fact as the only member and originator I
must also assume some leadership in this party until a democratic approach can be fostered.

OH CHRIST!!  The White Coats are at the door.  See ya!!

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