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Thursday 5 May 2011

Environmental Protesters

The latter part of last century and so far this century has seen the advent of the environmental terrorists in many guises and forms.  We're all well aware of Greenpeace and the impact they have had, and of course the movements to stop mining and forestry felling of native forests.

Now in my own secret way, I too am an environmentalist, but I'm not an environmental terrorist.  I don't drive in cars made of steel smelted from coal in distant lands that is sourced from our own mines to protest at those mines.  That would be hypocritical of me now wouldn't it.  No I make small changes to my lifestyle to conserve that which will eventually run out.  Any fool knows mining is unsustainable.  But (as can be seen in the truck photo) how did those activists get to those areas they are protesting at?

Let's take the mining issue.  I bet not one protester walked or bicycled to those protest sites (forest or mines).  And yet they seem to be passing a message that is fraught with disbelief.  I'd place more credence in their protest if they actually did walk or bike.

But more recently the protests off the east coast of the North Island.  A survey ship (owned by a Brazilian company Petrobas) is conducting a geological survey of the seabed to see if it's viable to drill for oil.  Ok, I'm split on this.  I see the need to find alternative safe fuels for our following generations and while oil is still being produced that won't happen, so in my other hat I see the benefits for New Zealand in having our own oil supply and having some sustainability (and cheaper fuel prices) But what really gets up my goat is how the protest is being conducted.  All the vessels involved in the protest require fuel, and it's fair to say that many of the components on those vessels is oil derivative based.  Not a good look in my eyes.

So I say to all you who want to protest, you will get more support if you weren't so hypocritical.  Sea Kayaks, Waka, Yachts, Bikes and Shanks Pony would certainly get more sympathetic responses from me and the larger public.

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