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Saturday 25 May 2024

Pledziconianites and their arrival on Earth

5,272 years ago, in a little country in what would become known as The South Pacific and Aotearoa, life was trundling on as usual.  Birds fed, reptiles bathed, grass grew, and trees thrived. The terrain was awash with greenery, and peace.  In those days, more especially in the North Island, more widely known as Te Ika o Maui, Volcanoes on the BOP area and Volcanic Plateau did not exist.  Then one day all hell broke loose.

At approximately 1243hours Sunday 5th March,, a sudden entry through the atmosphere flew over Tauranga, then Rotorua and Taupo and crashed into what is now Lake Taupo.  The force was so great the following happened:

480 billion metric tonnes of soil and rock was displaced and forced into the atmosphere with Egyptian records saying that at the same time, a loud Boom was to be heard and the Earth went dark for a long time (maybe 180 days).

From Rotorua to Waiouru and points north the Earth's Crust was heavily fractured forcing the Magma below to the surface to rise in the shape of Volcanoes et al.

A 25m high Tsunami washed across the Pacific Ocean crashing with devastation into islands and mainland areas, killing many.  It is said amongst coastal Aborigine that the coast was utterly devastated.

So what was this "asteroid"?  From research, before the birth of the saviour, terrestrial events were common.  One just has to read Arthur C Clarkes books on the subject to understand. What I do know is these:

The Orb was 30 mile wide and 30 mile round, size almost indeterminate.

Of a metal construction whose element does not exist on our planet.

Weight determined to be around 480 million metric tonnes.

Inhabitants (read Aliens) were ethereal beings with no discernible shape.  Almost invisible to the human eye (as in the movie Predator).  They were not warriors but a peace-loving homily. They sent scouting parties out to map the terrain and source food.  As the terrain was largely free of suitable meat, they reboarded Tuwhenga (the ships name) and departed after 5 years 12 days, for who knows what and where.

In 1992 I was on a navy research vessel sailing from Vanuatu to The Solomon Islands and for something to do I manned the very deep echo sounder and mapped the trench that lies between both Island groups. That trench on the old charts has a deepest point of 7,500metres.  I managed to follow it to almost twice that depth (13,500metres.) But of note was a sense I had that a very, very large spacecraft was on the bottom of that trench.  Almost 5 times the size of Tuwhenga. 

Trench find Notes:

No known date for it's origin. Possibly billions of years old, perhaps 2,000 years old, perhaps 1883 (Krakatoa)

Earth's crust is weakened in that location with volcanoes on Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu (Ring of Fire around "crash site"). Rampant quakes evident regularly.

Over the past 7 years, every time I muse about something on my laptop (especially playing online games) I get a "voice" tell me this craft is associated with AI (call me mad, I am).  My thoughts are often directed to that location on our Planet. Should we be worried?  Let's see.


1.  I am certified Nuts.

2.  I tell a ripping yarn

3. Do you believe?



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