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Sunday, 29 December 2019

Norway versus New Zealand - tale of the tape.

Recently I watched an advert for Norway Armed Forces and I was impressed how many they had - a very sizeable muster.  As I do, I made a comparison with our AF, and they were a huge outfit.  So I did more study and found the following stats.

Population:  5,328,000
Area Size:  324,220SqKm
GDP:  $4,350,000,000
Armed Forces Regular Personnel:  23,250
Armed Forces Volunteers:   40,000
Income:  Crude Petroleum ($28.1B), Petroleum Gas ($27.7B), Non-fillet Fresh Fish ($5.61B), Refined Petroleum ($4.81B) and Raw Aluminium ($3.12B), using the 1992 revision of the HS (Harmonized System) classification.

New Zealand.
Population:  4,794,000
Area Size:  268,021SqKm
GDP:  $203 billion
Armed Forces Regular Personnel:  11,900
Armed Forces Volunteers:   2,600
Income:  Click on Here for NZ Imports/Exports

Summary.  Plain to see we need to "harvest" our Petroleum industry to meet our ability to be a true maritime nation as far as Armed Forces goes.  Would also justify $$  outlay on not only suitable platforms, but manning them.


  1. They do have a different strategic situation to us, in that they have Russia close by who hasn't always been friendly towards Norway, plus the Norwegians were invaded and subjugated by Nazi Germany for 5 years. So their population, political and bureaucratic classes have a totally different outlook on defence to NZ.

    Unfortunately the NZ political and bureaucratic classes, and the chattering left wingers have a myopic world view that thinks because we have this tad large moat around us, we are immune and protected from all those foreign nasties who wish to do us harm. Unfortunately for them, what may have been true in 1750 is no longer true now. Times have changed somewhat.

    1. Superb resume and agree totally. In WWI and WWII German and Japanese warships (surface combatants and submarines) made their presence through both wars. In late 19th Century many coastal batteries were set up in the main shipping areas to counter a possible Russian invasion.In those days too the British Armed Forces were protecting our sovereignty. That no longer occurs. Essentially the only nearby protector is Australian and we need to work closely with them. However for any RAN forces to come to our "rescue" will take days and by that stage supposed damage is long happened. Sure RAAF and Royal Australian Army troops can be deployed in good time, but once again maybe too little too late.

      We possibly have a greater area of Two Oceans (Central Pacific to Southern) than many larger countries so a greater viable Strike Force for all Forces is a necessity.

      Cheers for your thoughts.
