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Thursday 16 May 2019

With Thanks -Two Important Dates for me and inter-related.

On May 28th 1975 aged 16 years and 6 months I signed on the dotted line and became a Sailor in the Navy.  Our intake had 72 recruits, like me all bright eyed and bushy tailed.  In our intake we also had two Aussies, Ozzie Chamberlain (topped the course) and a rooster in my class called Craig Warner. Craig was a mature recruit.  As you do, you get to know all your classmates and their birthdays et al.  Turned out Craig and I shared birthdays.

After our Basic Common Training we drifted off to differing parts of the Navy but kept in touch, especially around socialising.  In 1985 I was working at the Hydrographic Office in the Tidal section and joined the office ladies (and one male) in their Friday sessions.  Several of the ladies were very desirable and we'd meet at the Milford Tavern then when it closed (at  1000pm those days) then go to Browns Bay Beach and skinny dip (and continue socialising.) At this point I should say Rachel Hunter's little sister Jackie was the butt of one of my really bad practical jokes so very sorry to her.

My (and Craig's) birthday was October 11th and I shouted at the Wets and ran out of money so decided to go see Craig (Plymouth Cres I think)  I really shouldn't have been driving but those days it was more the norm.  Craig and Raewyn were home as was this rather pretty blonde. I remember lots of joke telling (mainly me). Turns out she was Craig's little brother's ex-girlfriend. I don't remember a great deal, no recollection of even going home (lived at the intersection of Lake Road and Albert Street in D'port)

Later the next day I was having a few quiets and there was a knock on the door. Craig's wife Raewyn and the blonde rooster were at my door.  May 30th next year we were married and we have two wonderful children from it.  Turns out that the day I joined the Navy was her Grandfather's Birthday.

I will say that my husband skills were atrocious, but not my father skills.  Many times in our marriage she had reasons to leave me and I truly appreciate the work she put into the family unit to try and keeping it functional.  Sadly my drinking issues reared their ugly heads and clouded my judgment and the relationship (I haven't touched a rum or port since 1992).

Sadly we are seperated but I have been finding my gremlins and dealing with them.  I still see that gorgeous blonde with a beautiful heart and smile and always will.   Soon (28th May) I will celebrate Craig and Marita, for enriching my life.

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