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Monday 15 October 2012

Open Letter to Radio Live - The Nutters Club

Dear Radio Live,

I hear with regret that The Nutters Club is to be moved to a new time slot and with less hours!  Why?

Sunday is the perfect time slot for a number of reasons:

1.  A lot of nutters are at their most vulnerable in the weekends and having TNC to ring up on Sunday nights is a boon for them.  As can be witnessed by the popularity of the show, this fact bears weight.

2.  All 4 hours are utilised by the hosts and the callers.  And with over 9000 facebook followers this indicates that the service is widely listened to, enhancing the shows ethic and boosting Radio Lives popularity, spilling over to other shows on that station.  And let's not forget, 9000 Facebook followers probably suggests more listeners that don't have computers (which is the case for a lot of people with mental distress.)

3.  Sunday is a day of rest for most Nutters and they find themselves in a better frame of mind to actively participate by listening or ringing in.  By and large most nutters have sleep issues so the 8pm to Midnight is a good time for these good folk.  Making changes to this format may adversely affect the shows clientele.

If it's not broke why fix it?  Mike King and the crew have manufactured and nurtured a winning format as can be seen by the awards the show has received and the wide world acclaim.  Yes, why fix it?

If you support the current format of The Nutters Club and don't want it altered or tampered with, please vote by commenting to this blog.  You can use your name or sign it anonymously.  Come on folks vote if you want the status quo.


  1. Definitely keep it as is please!

  2. Radio live you have ruined my life. Shame on you for axing so many great shows on the weekends.

  3. This show is most truly a lifesaver for many do not change the timeslot, if it is moved to another night the chances are that it will not be as accessible for many people. We need the support over the weekend especially, as that is a really hard time for those who are vunerable and to have a friendly voice on the radio, and nutters tuning in that you can relate to is a comfort to us, and being able to call in is a release in itself letting go of some emotional baggage you feel better afterwards. By far this is the best show that has been offered, and if it disappears I am sure that many of the listeners will disappear too. There are some who live just for the nutters club! think of that radio live before you change the time slot!!!!!!!!!!! you are not in the popularity vote......

  4. From what I've heard the show has been rescheduled to air one Friday per month from 10pm-1am. So The Nutters Club has been reduced from 16 hours airtime p/month to 3 hours airtime p/month. I wish someone would clearly explain why this is happening. If anything I would've thought more airtime hours were needed, not fewer. As Tasha has mentioned above, this show is really a live-saver for many 'nutters', and I think part of its success is due to the fact it is aired weekly. Having a weekly show not only provides us 'nutters' with a regular place to turn to for information, advice and support, but it also encourages us to establish some form of routine and regular designated 'me' time - things that are incredibly important when going through mental health recovery. I fail to understand how Mike et al are going to discuss mental health issues, answer peoples' questions, and provide support to those really struggling, in such a short and infrequent time-slot.

    The funny thing is that I only started listening to Radiolive (or my radio at all for that matter) when I heard about The Nutters Club. Since I started listening to this show a year ago, naturally I also started listening to more of the shows on Radiolive. But given these changes that are happening, I don't think I'll bother listening to the station outside of The Nutters Club show anymore. With that in mind, I'd be interested in actually hearing from someone at Radiolive - perhaps they can provide some further explanation as to why these changes are 'necessary'.

  5. I am not a nutter but really enjoyed the show and am gutted to discover it is all but gone. Come on LIVE, the show in its place is very boring and just more "of the same".
