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Wednesday 27 March 2019

Mother Reprise - poem

One of most saddest poems I could ever write.  I have several Mother poems (my mother and my children's mother, both highly deserving.)  I had wide acclaim for the poem, which was printed in some ezines.

Remember all, Mother's Day is 12th May 2019

Mother Reprise

Your womb was a room with no view,
the company of your heartbeat
and the steady breathing of your copious lungs
soothed a soul building.

Through the gates of hell we struggled
my cry music to your worn out ears,
my nurturing proof it was worth it.

We fed each other at the breast,
my suckling mouth,
your soothing strokes,
a team for eternity.

You helped me walk, stumble, succeed,
Dad was there too, but your hand
was always the one that steadied,
that nudged me in the right direction.

You drove me to run, to play, to laugh,
even when I started to rebel,
your soothing touch, words, love
drove me to do the right things.

I grew, left home, succeeded on my own,
we missed each other, I didn't call
surely a piece of me in you was dying.

Then it was your turn, cancer,
and I soothed you, calmed you, loved you,
helped you to handle the coming door,
the portal you pushed me through
was now opening to take you back.

We laughed, we cried, we felt the pain together,
and when your eyes closed,
I was the last to kiss you alive.

I didn't throw anything on your coffin,
my womb carried your seed, your love,
and that is what I passed on
to all my children,

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