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Sunday 24 March 2019

How to Write an Epic Poem

How to Write an Epic Poem

Chapter un
One must come up with an idea,
something that will hold,
through length and scope.
One also has to decide on content,
make it interesting,
worthy of the read.
(and write)
In this poetic endeavour,
I intend to write a discourse
on how to attain that goal.
Parameters for writing
include style and genre,
in this case freeform for both.
You see this starts with three line stanza,
has a single thought added,
then for some reason wanders
into a four line diatribe, tricky!
But such is the relative freedom
offered by being nonspecific,
one can indulge in poetry at ones whim,
and not lose sight of the final outcome.
(yes, the end)
Chapter deux.
When writing, one is allowed,
nay permitted, to lapse,
into olden forms or modern jingles
type Thee like thou knows,
it's for the best after all.
Sometimes wander into a verse
that requires rhyme in it,
the content shallow or terse
and wonder if it's finished yet.
But oft I follow the laws
of the illogical and nonsensical,
wax lyrical, or just place thoughts
where none stood before.
(an empty platter needs filling)
Towards the near-middle,
poems tend to lose their way,
the interesting thing is to keep them rolling,
make them sound different without loss
of context or demeanour.
(like a story, perhaps)
Introduce new characters, names,
something that sparks the reader
back into action, a hyperbole
keep away from repetition if you can
it loses the reader, cringeful.
See how easy it is,
to change form and style,
not lose the readers interest
as he succumbs suddenly to five line stanzas.
(A change is as good as anything)
Now I must say, there are different judgements,
some people will shun you for length,
others for content and message,
yet others for style, who cares.
(It belongs to the writer)
Take a vignette, add a title

in bold type of course so it's seen 
as a title, make it complicated
yet easy to read for the viewer.
Often people sway away from poetry 

that has stronge language,
I don't give a fuck what I write, 
I care more for the shitty message 
than some preconcieved idea of morality.
Once in a while, we all plagiarise,
after all no idea is one persons alone,
yet there are some who deliberately steal
content from other poems or songs
to make a point,
no problems here, 
just say who it belonged to, fucker!
Chapter Three
Will follow,

as all good verse tends to do.
Chapter trois
You make a statement
postulate Haiku verse,
simple yet visionary.
No apologies,
your work stands redolently,
passes scrutiny.
See the change occur,
style beholden by choice,
make simplicities.
Chapter quatre
Discussion ensues to this day,
on whether rhyme should come into play,
metric length and metric form,
for most it's not necessarily the norm.
Some bypass it for just a style,
where words are played mile on mile,
stick to no meter, nor no rhyme,
belt out rubbish time after time.
Makes sense to those in the know,
how words just applied for difference,
trying hard to see and show,
make a sentence glisten and glow,
hold to due diligence.
Write from experiences gained,
or just imaginative referral,
agonised and duly pained,
like glasses freshly framed,
words crisp, or often feral.
Take the time to run amok,
with words quite nasty and gruesome,
there's argument over shit and fuck,
a lot of people ride their luck,
and most times win or lose, succumb.
Expouse themselves in verbs and nouns,
write humour or sadness, in their ways,
some think their poetry needs a clown,
or needs to be written in the down,
in the end what matters is the phrase.
Chapter cinq
There is an opinion often sought,
a critique of work done,
a work in progress,
as if the writer is unsure 
of his or her ability.
Take time to think about 
what you want perhaps?
Yes, opinionation rules our life,
the opinion of the reader, 
good or bad,
happy or sad
but just a response will do please.
Why then do some poets cringe at anothers read?
There is advice available,
that a poet should write,
and be happy,
don't seek perfection
just a moment in time.
Do we master the craft, or is our craft the master?
Chapter six
not quite an epic,
but one close to being very long,
if you've got to this stage,
take a breath, 
marvel at your own ability
as the reader to indulge the poets craft.
Doctor, get me new glasses, 
these ones are worn out.
Instinct is a gut feeling,
often used by the poet to write,
something seems destructive to the flow,
replaced by another noun or verb,
juxtaposition creates anomalies,
yet works nonetheless.
Thanks for indulging my whim,
this be the end, le finale, das fullstoppen,
I truly appreciate your perseverance.

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