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Thursday 31 January 2013

So what is America afraid of?

Well, what is America afraid of?  Truly this cartoon is symptomatic of the Anti Control  lobby (aka and further referred to as the NRA).  Somehow I think I am like millions, nay, billions, of people living outside of America and wondering how less than 1% of the population there can control what the other 99% can do or can't do.

Gun control should not be about stopping a criminal in his/her tracks through equal or greater force (kill or be killed) but limiting the opportunity for a criminal to bear arms in the production of a crime, or similar.  Gun control should not be about self protection thereby undermining personal freedoms but be about stopping the need to protect those freedoms.

I live in a country that has had "gun control" for 150+ years and has a very low murder rate through gun deaths.  And poeple can walk the street without fear of being held up or shot over small items of interest.  That doesn't happen here and to be fair only happens in two countries in the world, the USA and SA (for varying reasons).

The mentality of the NRA is something to be admired.  How many unlicensed psychopaths do they have on their books?  Oh yeah, sorry, active and responsible gun owners and members!  They use American constitutional law to base their support and rights on.  Fair enough.  But is that law stopping 5 year old children from being killed??  Is it stopping teenagers acting out their revenge on society and wasting MANY lives in the process.  And the social cost is huge, let's not forget that.  So why do the NRA get away with their ludicrous assertions and lies?

Because the USA is afraid to change their long lasting laws.  The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights states that it is "the right of the people to keep or bear arms"  (since 1791) which was reiterated by the Supreme Court in recent rulings, probably much to the chagrin of the gun control lobby.

But let's get real here.  How many more innocent people will be killed due to the availability of firearms?  How many will slip by and alter the course of many lives that should not be so affected?  Bringing this issue into not only every Americans home, but also the homes of all folks that live in the peace-seeking world will surely bring change.  The assertion that the most recent killings have been done by mentally unstable people is clever, diverting attention away from the fact that weapons were readily available for that person to access.  Had those weapons been locked away in gun safes then less would have been killed, right?  But that's where the Second Amendment and the NRA step in too.  They don't want regulation as this means weapons have to be accounted for and locked away thereby not able to stop a "crime" in progress, and also means that background checks have to be done on all gun owners, not to mention the banning of certain types of weapons.  Watch the Discovery Channel or any channel on television showing American cop shows and guns rule their lives. I have yet to see a gun on a NZ made programme??

I'm firmly in the camp that says 99% of the population has more say what happens with the Second Amendment than 1%.  Come on America, get tough and show the world you're all not an uneducated and uncaring nation.  Keep your guns locked away for hunting and shooting competitions.  Feel safe being in your house or car knowing a criminal doesn't have a weapon.  And run a Gun Amnesty (was done here to great success).  Claim back the middle ground and look at the news and see that there are no more of your children being killed in the Name Of The NRA and Second Amendment!!


  1. Bravo! Best item I've read in a long time. True-2nd amendment stands strong, but it was declared in a time when a country was being formed you had a right to bear arms against your enemy. NRA= BIG $$$$. I guess someone's life doesn't qualify. Today was another shooting incident in an office complex in Arizona today, 1 death and gunman on the loose...when will we stop looking over our shoulders?

  2. Must watch in this debate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL8JEEt2RxI
